Manu Sporny: on the agenda today we have going over sandro's syntax feedback, the @vocab precedence issue, sandro's api spec review, zhu's review, roundtripping concerns
Manu Sporny: any changes?
Niklas Lindström: let's do the @vocab issue first, not sure if it's feasible to consider, we cannot change the syntax i believe, but we say that a "term has a type of @vocab" (because @id doesn't support terms as values), i was wondering if we could consider using type: "@context" instead
Niklas Lindström: basically, the fact that, when compacting, even if a @vocab is defined in the context, if there is a prefix defined with the same value, the prefix will take precedence over @vocab
Niklas Lindström: if you, for instance, inherit a context with that prefix defined, even if you set @vocab, you won't get vocab terms when compacting
Niklas Lindström: i think that other serializations work differently (@vocab having precedence instead)
Niklas Lindström: i think that compaction should make things as small as possible, using @vocab over CURIEs does that
Niklas Lindström: i think it would be sometimes unexpected if the behavior is to give precedence to CURIEs over @vocab, if you have a lot of prefixes defined w/various dependencies you might get undesirable compaction results
Niklas Lindström: if the precedence order went the other way, it wouldn't be so bad
Error: (IRC nickname not recognized)[Tue 10:10] <trj> Hi, does anyone know of any examples of JSON-LD being used with IoT sensors? Perhaps with
Dave Longley: I tried to break out some of the reasons in the issue tracker, the issue that is going to be the strangest is when you have prefixes in a previous chained context. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: That might be an issue - @vocab trumps everything. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: So, this is a question of what we think the default case is... if you are using @vocab to catch terms that aren't there, then it's going to override too many of the prefixes that are defined. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: If you want CURIEs in the output, you probably don't use @vocab. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: If you want to use @vocab in compaction, and you don't want CURIEs in the output, it's been suggested by niklas, and I think he's right, that you're much more likely to have used prefixes in the context, not the data. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: It's going to be a lot more complicated to get the output you want, you have to undefine all the prefixes, that's not good for developers. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: As far as I can tell, that is going to be the more common case, and we should probably support it (unless there is a reason that someone can see why we should prefer CUREs over @vocab) [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Gregg Kellogg: i can easily imagine a number of cases where you get an initial context that does define schema as a prefix but the document does say @vocab is schema
Gregg Kellogg: i can see how you'd end up in precisely this case here so preferring @vocab makes sense
Gregg Kellogg: if a CURIE is more like a term then we have to continue to use that (it's defined explicitly on the LHS w/types and containers on the right)
Gregg Kellogg: that's more like using a term in that case
Dave Longley: i agree, it's a term at that point
Niklas Lindström: yes, i don't think this change would affect that
Manu Sporny: do you disagree with changing this?
Markus Lanthaler: no, i tried implementing it and it was easy
Markus Lanthaler: as long as it's just for compaction
Niklas Lindström: if someone changed expansion that would be bad
PROPOSAL: When compacting IRIs @vocab should take precedence over Compact IRIs. This reverses the previous order of precedence.
Niklas Lindström: +1
Dave Longley: +1
Manu Sporny: +1
Gregg Kellogg: +1
Paul Kuykendall: +1
Markus Lanthaler: +1
RESOLUTION: When compacting IRIs @vocab should take precedence over Compact IRIs. This reverses the previous order of precedence.
Topic: Rename '@type': '@vocab' to '@type': '@context'
Niklas Lindström: right now, if the content in your document, you want to have a syntax expression like what's in IRC, and the value there is a term which is defined either, you want it to be looked up in the context, either you will find a defined term for it and expand it, or you want to resolve it against @vocab
Manu Sporny: but adding another keyword fights against our desire to keep the number of keywords limited
Gregg Kellogg: i think they are both unfortunate, but it's one minute to midnight w/the spec, so we need to raise the bar with making changes
Dave Longley: I think part of the confusion is that the meaning of @vocab is being overloaded. I think that looking at @context would be more confusing. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: One way to look at @type: @vocab is to think "Oh, the type of the term is also a vocabulary term" [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: The type of data that goes with this term is a 'vocabulary thing' - which means anything in the @context. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: if we had @context there, I'd be more confused - I would expect a context to be there. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Markus Lanthaler: i agree with dave on this
Niklas Lindström: i thought about this, if we see @context there we get confused
Niklas Lindström: when i did the explanation to myself, i reasoned like dave, like dave said, the value is looked up in the @context, and i said, in my head, @context more than @vocab, so i thought maybe it would better explain it
Dave Longley: We're either going to overload what @type means, or we're going to overload the value of @type to get the explanation right. We already overload @type for datatype and regular type. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Niklas Lindström: Yeah, maybe we need to document this clearly... [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Dave Longley: Yes, explaining that @vocab has a different meaning is probably easier to explain than putting @context there and explain it. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Paul Kuykendall: i just wanted to chime in, i'm more of an outsider so maybe i can help
Paul Kuykendall: i do think that @vocab is easier to understand, just from listening to the discussions
Paul Kuykendall: using JSON-LD you're already used to a little bit of overloading
Niklas Lindström: ok, that's what i needed to hear, i withdraw any proposal here
Manu Sporny: yes that was helpful, thank you, paul
Manu Sporny: ok, then no change, let's just close the issue
Manu Sporny: sandro had even more feedback for markus, can we get through this quickly, is there much to be dealt with, it seemed like you mostly had it under control
Markus Lanthaler: not really much to discuss, the most critical thing is whether we normatively reference RDF-CONCEPTS and RDF-SCHEMA
Markus Lanthaler: we'll be discussing that tomorrow in the RDF WG too
Markus Lanthaler: sandro is happy with the other changes i made
Markus Lanthaler: the only thing left is data roundtripping issues
Manu Sporny: ok, that's good, let's focus on just the syntax spec
Manu Sporny: it looks like it was mostly editorial
Markus Lanthaler: i'll double check that... yeah, it was just mostly editorial
Markus Lanthaler: i'll send an email to sandro later to ensure everything has been addressed
Gregg Kellogg: there are some check boxes to check in the issue tracker
Markus Lanthaler: those are some things that i think we shouldn't change, which i explained in emails, i just need sandro's feedback on us not changing it.
Markus Lanthaler: i think there's no change required for those things
Paul Kuykendall: the only ones that i see that might be of interest is where the overloading of @vocab is mentioned as confusing/silly
Markus Lanthaler: yeah, that's one we already discussed in the past
Paul Kuykendall: yeah, just want to make sure we're in agreement there
Manu Sporny: yes, i think we're sure about the keywords and the meaning we overload and we made tradeoffs to do that
Manu Sporny: and it isn't perfect but we aren't going to change it without some really good feedback/lots of people making big mistakes with it for us to change it
Topic: ISSUE-234: Sandro Hawke's JSON-LD API spec review
Markus Lanthaler: mostly editorial, sandro didn't review the algorithms himself, but had a number of other comments, which i already addressed, and sandro agrees we can close the issue
Markus Lanthaler: the only thing remaining is data roundtripping which i split out into a separate issue so we can better focus
Topic: ISSUE-236: Zhe Wu's JSON-LD API spec review
Manu Sporny: zhu basically didn't review the algorithms either because he found them too complicated to read through
Manu Sporny: he asked us to reorganize the document fairly heavily
Manu Sporny: but i think it's a bad idea, but we'll see what the group thinks
Manu Sporny: i think it would take a lot of time but not buy us much, we attempted to do what he wanted earlier
Manu Sporny: we are where we are now with the spec because that previous attempt didn't work as well, we made changes that we thought made it easier to read the spec today than that alternative approach
Markus Lanthaler: he didn't say that the algorithms were too complex, that they were instead too long
Manu Sporny: well, we're doing that for a reason, we want to be very explicit about what happens
Paul Kuykendall: the comments i've gotten from my colleague who has been implementing the various algorithms, starting before the algorithm split, he said the new ones are much easier to follow and easier to understand what's going on
Gregg Kellogg: there's a certain stylistic issue with what you see in programming (eg: taking large algorithms and breaking them into smaller sections so that each sub step fits on a screen)
Gregg Kellogg: i took some of zhu's comments in that light, and some of the algorithms would perhaps be more useful if they were broken out into smaller subsections
Gregg Kellogg: i take markus' point that it might be difficult with going back and forth (jumping around) to figure out what's going on then
Gregg Kellogg: i'll use the same razor i did before though, we're getting close to the end, i don't think we need to change this, it's stylistic change, that is left to the purview of the editors, we should leave it alone
Manu Sporny: i agree, the rest seemed like editorial changes, is that true?
Markus Lanthaler: yes, i got back to him, he didn't get back to me yet to let me know if the changes were enough or if he really really wanted the algorithms split up
Paul Kuykendall: i do agree that shorter algorithms are easier to read, but you don't want to lose the context of where you are and how the algorithms work, i think we struck a good balance where we mostly broke the algorithms into sub parts where they could be reused, and implementations might break them up more, but that's an implementation detail, not for the algorithms
Markus Lanthaler: he also raised the point that he would prefer numbers for errors not strings
Dave Longley: I don't think we need to convert the string values to numbers, we're not programming on a Commodore 64 - we have much more modern programming environments available to us [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Paul Kuykendall: string processing does suck in some languages, but what we've done internally is use numbers
Gregg Kellogg: i don't think the purpose of the spec is to explain how to implement this in every way
Manu Sporny: ISSUE-237: Sandro's Data Round Tripping Concerns
Markus Lanthaler: he doesn't understand most of this section
Markus Lanthaler: if we keep this section, why don't we only convert canonical lexical form values to native types, leaving the rest alone
Markus Lanthaler: the other thing we didn't discuss here, is the potential precision loss you experience when converting to JSON-numbers
Markus Lanthaler: so i think the question here is whether we keep the requirement that implementations must use canonical lexical form
Markus Lanthaler: and if we do keep it, if we only convert to native types when the values are in canonical lexical form
Manu Sporny: so the reason that we say this sort of thing in the spec, is because if we don't say anything about it, people will be surprised when their numbers start having rounding errors ... they take their space probe and crash it into mars because they weren't expecting the behavior
Manu Sporny: we also want to be very clear about what they do with those numbers to round trip
Dave Longley: testing becomes far more difficult if we dont' specify this
Markus Lanthaler: well, rounding errors dont' have to do with canonical lexical form
Dave Longley: but testing does
Manu Sporny: it seems like an interoperability issue if we don't specify this
Manu Sporny: if we specify it, it's very clear how to interoperate
Gregg Kellogg: i guess the alternative would be to defer to XSD where possible for the definition of canonical lexical form
Markus Lanthaler: sandro's response to my argumente "we do it to simplify testing" was "I don't think simplifying testing merits a MUST..... Or, if it does, then say that, instead of saying it's because of round-tripping...."
Gregg Kellogg: or at least to say "this is the same as" or "as defined by"
Markus Lanthaler: i think he's saying it might be enough to say something is a certain type (xsd:integer/xsd:double)
Markus Lanthaler: and not care about the lexical value
Dave Longley: There was a specification where something was specified in canonical lexical form, we changed it from it originally was a lowercase 'e', to what it is now, based on some specification. Maybe we should've been referencing that specification. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Markus Lanthaler: there are differences between what languages/JSON serializers and 'e'/'E' for canonical representation
Gregg Kellogg: i do recall that we eliminated some rounding issues w/ruby w/decimal precision length
Markus Lanthaler: i think that string format we used previously also ensured that something was 64-bit for JSON which doesn't define the value space
Manu Sporny: the spec was xml-schema part 2 data types
Manu Sporny: let's make sure it matches what we have in the spec and let's just refer to the spec
Manu Sporny: instead of paraphrasing
Gregg Kellogg: [XMLSCHEMA11-2]
Manu Sporny: but we still make very clear what the canonical lexical form is
Gregg Kellogg: yes, RDF-CONCEPTS references this and we should sync up
Markus Lanthaler: do we require canonical lexical form then?
Gregg Kellogg: we shouldn't restrict the input
Gregg Kellogg: but we should be able to transform into that form to allow for lexical comparison
Gregg Kellogg: in my serializers i have an option for canonicalization, but if that were always supplied i would fail some specs
Gregg Kellogg: JSON of course has its own restrictions when dealing with numbres because it's a native restriction, not a strictly lexical representation
Gregg Kellogg: you can't ensure that the input looks exactly the same as the output
Paul Kuykendall: are we talking about maintaining the mapping between JSON native types and xsd types?
Dave Longley: To be clear, we're not talking about changing the mapping - for a number in JSON, it's either going to be an xsd:integer or an xsd:double. We should tell implementations what these lexical forms should look like if you convert the number to a string. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Markus Lanthaler: all these are valid 1.4 = 14E-1 = 14e-1.. but there's only one canonical lexical form: 1.4E0
Paul Kuykendall: i just wanted to make clear that we weren't changing the mappings here, it sounds good to me that we're just talking about mapping things to an external spec
Manu Sporny: it's really important that we have the flag in the algorithm for converting/not converting to native types
Markus Lanthaler: we aren't defining an API so we don't need to define the flag because there's no operation there
Dave Longley: All we have to do is revert a change we made - if a flag is set, change to native types, if it is not set, don't change to native types. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
(more missed scribing)
Manu Sporny: so i think we have one solid proposal then
Manu Sporny: to put the flag for convert to/from native types when doing RDF conversion back into the algorithm
Markus Lanthaler: and deciding if we should require canonical lexical form
Niklas Lindström: i think the rdf type flag is important because it's just a relation like anything else
Niklas Lindström: i'm a bit wary about removing that flag
Gregg Kellogg: as i recall the reason we had it was so that we could do other mapping during compaction/expansion
Gregg Kellogg: there's nothing to prevent you from navigating
Manu Sporny: the only way to compare literals in the abstract model is to jump into lexical space to do the comparison, if we don't specify the lexical form for this data, you can't do a comparision, we don't have interoperability
Markus Lanthaler: i don't think we need to be specifying this, it should be in an RDF spec
Gregg Kellogg: we're dealing with native representations so we are losing the lexical form, so we need to be able to convert back
Discussion about deferring the current issue to the RDF WG
Manu Sporny: if we take a position in this group we can take that position to the group, instead of not taking one and making it an open-ended discussion
Markus Lanthaler: the whole reason we're having this discussion is because sandro, from the RDF WG, has an issue with it
PROPOSAL: Specify what canonical lexical form is for xsd:integer and xsd:double by referencing the XML Schema 1.1 Datatypes specification. When processors are generating output, they are required to use this form.
Manu Sporny: +1
Paul Kuykendall: +1
Dave Longley: +1
Gregg Kellogg: +1
Markus Lanthaler: +0
Niklas Lindström: +1
David I. Lehn: +0
RESOLUTION: Specify what canonical lexical form is for xsd:integer and xsd:double by referencing the XML Schema 1.1 Datatypes specification. When processors are generating output, they are required to use this form.
Gregg Kellogg: the last issue we can talk about is changing the RDF-CONCEPTS reference to be normative
Gregg Kellogg: David Wood said that if we don't normatively reference our own documents (this is a RDF WG doc) that's a problem
Manu Sporny: why don't we reference other W3C documents
Manu Sporny: normatively
Gregg Kellogg: JSON-LD is an RDF serialization format, so every other RDF serialization format has a normative reference to RDF-CONCEPTS
Gregg Kellogg: it's not clear that we're being an RDF syntax if we don't normatively reference RDF-CONCEPTS